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KIR » Genotypes by population

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Brazil Parana Mixed KIR (n=289)

Hapl Group Genotype ID 3DL12DL12DL32DS42DL22DL53DS12DS12DS22DS32DS52DL43DL23DL32DP13DP1 Individuals Frequency (%)
AA 1 9633.2
Bx 2 3913.5
Bx 4 3110.7
Bx 5 227.6
Bx 3 124.2
Bx 6 82.8
Bx 9 72.4
Bx 7 62.1
Bx 90 62.1
Bx 71 62.1
Bx 72 51.7
Bx 73 51.7
Bx 70 51.7
Bx 8 51.7
Bx 68 41.4
Bx 69 41.4
Bx 76 31.0
Bx 81 20.7
Bx 19 20.7
Bx 21 20.7
Bx 28 20.7
Bx 64 10.3
Bx 24 10.3
Bx 27 10.3
Bx 20 10.3
Bx 10 10.3
Bx 11 10.3
Bx 12 10.3
Bx 13 10.3
Bx 15 10.3
Bx 91 10.3
Bx 94 10.3
Bx 117 10.3
Bx 166 10.3
Bx 188 10.3
Bx 242 10.3
Bx 324 10.3
Bx 325 10.3
Totals 28999.2
 Freq. Indiv.(%)


Frequency by Haplotype Group (%)
33.2 66.0


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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