Allele Frequencies in World Populations

HLA » Allele Frequency Search

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Line Allele Population % of individuals
that have the allele
1DPA1*01:03Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP48.90.29181,06422_17_N_114_9_E
2DPA1*02:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP18.80.09821,06422_17_N_114_9_E
3DPA1*02:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP78.70.55781,06422_17_N_114_9_E
4DPA1*02:07Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP3.00.01501,06422_17_N_114_9_E
5DPA1*02:10Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
6DPA1*04:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP7.10.03671,06422_17_N_114_9_E
7DPB1*01:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP1.40.00801,06422_17_N_114_9_E
8DPB1*02:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP25.10.13631,06422_17_N_114_9_E
9DPB1*02:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP13.70.07001,06422_17_N_114_9_E
10DPB1*03:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP9.30.04651,06422_17_N_114_9_E
11DPB1*04:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP13.30.06861,06422_17_N_114_9_E
12DPB1*04:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP4.20.02111,06422_17_N_114_9_E
13DPB1*05:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP65.30.41871,06422_17_N_114_9_E
14DPB1*09:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP2.50.01271,06422_17_N_114_9_E
15DPB1*10:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
16DPB1*13:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP14.80.07801,06422_17_N_114_9_E
17DPB1*14:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP5.50.02771,06422_17_N_114_9_E
18DPB1*16:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
19DPB1*17:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP2.90.01461,06422_17_N_114_9_E
20DPB1*19:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP2.00.00991,06422_17_N_114_9_E
21DPB1*21:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP8.00.04091,06422_17_N_114_9_E
22DPB1*26:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
23DPB1*31:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.80.00381,06422_17_N_114_9_E
24DPB1*38:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.40.00191,06422_17_N_114_9_E
25DPB1*41:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.60.00281,06422_17_N_114_9_E
26DPB1*48:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.50.00241,06422_17_N_114_9_E
27DPB1*100:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.20.00091,06422_17_N_114_9_E
28DPB1*104:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP1.10.00561,06422_17_N_114_9_E
29DPB1*105:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.30.00141,06422_17_N_114_9_E
30DPB1*135:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP4.70.02351,06422_17_N_114_9_E
31DPB1*296:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
32DPB1*414:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.20.00091,06422_17_N_114_9_E
33DPB1*700:01NHong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
34DPB1*744:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.20.00091,06422_17_N_114_9_E
35DPB1*834:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
36DQA1*01:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP6.90.03521,06422_17_N_114_9_E
37DQA1*01:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP33.60.18611,06422_17_N_114_9_E
38DQA1*01:03Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP13.90.07141,06422_17_N_114_9_E
39DQA1*01:04Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP14.60.07381,06422_17_N_114_9_E
40DQA1*01:05Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP2.90.01501,06422_17_N_114_9_E
41DQA1*01:09Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
42DQA1*02:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP8.20.04231,06422_17_N_114_9_E
43DQA1*03:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP12.10.06301,06422_17_N_114_9_E
44DQA1*03:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP26.70.14801,06422_17_N_114_9_E
45DQA1*03:03Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP11.40.05971,06422_17_N_114_9_E
46DQA1*04:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP2.20.01171,06422_17_N_114_9_E
47DQA1*05:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP12.70.06631,06422_17_N_114_9_E
48DQA1*05:03Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP2.20.01081,06422_17_N_114_9_E
49DQA1*05:05Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP14.30.07611,06422_17_N_114_9_E
50DQA1*05:06Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.50.00241,06422_17_N_114_9_E
51DQA1*05:08Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP1.10.00561,06422_17_N_114_9_E
52DQA1*06:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP24.10.13201,06422_17_N_114_9_E
53DQB1*02:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP12.70.06631,06422_17_N_114_9_E
54DQB1*02:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP7.50.03811,06422_17_N_114_9_E
55DQB1*03:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP40.10.22891,06422_17_N_114_9_E
56DQB1*03:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP12.10.06301,06422_17_N_114_9_E
57DQB1*03:03Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP27.60.15271,06422_17_N_114_9_E
58DQB1*03:05Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
59DQB1*03:13Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
60DQB1*03:27Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
61DQB1*04:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP10.20.05361,06422_17_N_114_9_E
62DQB1*04:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP2.50.01361,06422_17_N_114_9_E
63DQB1*05:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP8.10.04181,06422_17_N_114_9_E
64DQB1*05:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP23.20.12311,06422_17_N_114_9_E
65DQB1*05:03Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP8.00.04041,06422_17_N_114_9_E
66DQB1*05:08Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E
67DQB1*06:01Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP22.80.11891,06422_17_N_114_9_E
68DQB1*06:02Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP5.80.02911,06422_17_N_114_9_E
69DQB1*06:03Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP1.30.00661,06422_17_N_114_9_E
70DQB1*06:04Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.70.00331,06422_17_N_114_9_E
71DQB1*06:09Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP3.10.01551,06422_17_N_114_9_E
72DQB1*06:10Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.60.00281,06422_17_N_114_9_E
73DQB1*06:214Hong Kong Chinese HKBMDR. DQ and DP0.10.00051,06422_17_N_114_9_E


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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