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Displaying 201 to 264 (from 264) records   Pages: 1 2 3 of 3  

Line Allele Population % of individuals
that have the allele/gene
(3 decimals)
Distribution² Notes³
 201  2DS1  Scotland Orkney KIR 34.4  90See
 202  2DS1  Chile Talca KIR 34.4  90See
 203  2DS1  Serbia Vojvodina KIR 34.3 0.189134See
 204  2DS1  Japan KIR pop 2 34.1  41See
 205  2DS1  Saudi Arabia KIR pop 3 34.0  65See
 206  2DS1  France Southeast KIR pop 2 34.0  38See
 207  2DS1  Ireland Northern KIR 34.0  200See
 208  2DS1  Samoa KIR 34.0  50See
 209  2DS1  Singapore Chinese KIR pop 2 33.8  210See
 210  2DS1  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR 33.7  104See
 211  2DS1  Japan KIR pop 3 33.3  132See
 212  2DS1  Taiwan Taroko Atayal KIR 33.3  42See
 213  2DS1  Brazil Curitiba Japanese KIR 33.3  51See
 214  2DS1  Saudi Arabia KIR 33.3  162See
 215  2DS1  USA Eastern KIR 33.0  213See
 216  2DS1  Indonesia West Sumatra Minangs KIR 33.0  45See
 217  2DS1  Macedonia Romani KIR 33.0  103See
 218  2DS1  China Shenzhen Han KIR pop 2 32.6  503See
 219  2DS1  Oman KIR 32.3  99See
 220  2DS1  Croatia KIR 32.0  125See
 221  2DS1  Croatia KIR pop 3 32.0  121See
 222  2DS1  Argentina Salta Wichi KIR 31.6  19See
 223  2DS1  Yemen Jews KIR 31.0  43See
 224  2DS1  Spain Murcia KIR 31.0  200See
 225  2DS1  China Inner Mongolia Province KIR pop 2 30.0 0.16087See
 226  2DS1  Tonga KIR 29.0  49See
 227  2DS1  Singapore Chinese KIR 28.3  47See
 228  2DS1  Ireland KIR 28.0  94See
 229  2DS1  Japan KIR 28.0  50See
 230  2DS1  Congo Kinshasa Ituri Forest Mbuti KIR 27.8  38See
 231  2DS1  China Yunnan Province Drung KIR 27.6  152See
 232  2DS1  China Hubei Province Tujia KIR 27.0  124See
 233  2DS1  USA African American KIR pop 2 27.0  100See
 234  2DS1  Belgium KIR pop 2 27.0  100See
 235  2DS1  Latvia KIR 27.0  100See
 236  2DS1  China Yunnan Province Fengyandong Han KIR 25.8  93See
 237  2DS1  Israel Ethiopian Jews KIR 25.8  31See
 238  2DS1  Morocco Chaouya KIR 25.4  67See
 239  2DS1  India Northeast Assam Adivasi 24.7  101See
 240  2DS1  Uganda Kampala KIR 24.0  492See
 241  2DS1  Israel North Druze KIR 23.7  116See
 242  2DS1  South Africa Carletonville Gauteng KIR 23.5  81See
 243  2DS1  Russia Vologda KIR 23.4  47See
 244  2DS1  Trinidad Africans KIR 23.0  62See
 245  2DS1  Tunisia KIR 22.8  114See
 246  2DS1  USA California African American KIR 22.4  58See
 247  2DS1  China Yunnan Province Fugong Nu KIR 22.0  112See
 248  2DS1  Zimbabwe Harare KIR 22.0  97See
 249  2DS1  Borneo Kalimantan KIR 21.0  48See
 250  2DS1  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 19.8  95See
 251  2DS1  Gabon KIR 18.5  54See
 252  2DS1  Comoros Mixed KIR 17.0  54See
 253  2DS1  England West Midlands Afro Caribbean KIR 17.0  54See
 254  2DS1  Ivory Coast Abidjan KIR 16.0  25See
 255  2DS1  Romania KIR 15.3  123See
 256  2DS1  Nigeria Benin Yoruba KIR 14.7  75See
 257  2DS1  South Africa San KIR 14.3  91See
 258  2DS1  Nigeria Zaria Hausa KIR 13.8  37See
 259  2DS1  Senegal KIR 13.0  118See
 260  2DS1  South Africa Black African KIR 12.6  167See
 261  2DS1  South Africa Xhosa KIR 10.0  50See
 262  2DS1  Nigeria Enugu Ibo KIR 8.3  48See
 263  2DS1  Ghana KIR 4.9  41See
 264  2DS1  Central African Republic Bagandu Biaka KIR 1.4  69See


* Allele Frequency: Total number of copies of the allele in the population sample (Alleles / 2n) in three decimal format.
* % of individuals that have the allele: Percentage of individuals who have the allele or gene in the population (Individuals / n).

¹ IPD-KIR Database - For more details of the allele.
² Distribution - Graphical display of the distribution of the allele.
³ Notes - See notes for ambiguous combinations of alleles.

Displaying 201 to 264 (from 264) records   Pages: 1 2 3 of 3  


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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