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Displaying 301 to 400 (from 3,259) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 33  

Line Allele Population % of individuals
that have the allele/gene
(3 decimals)
Distribution² Notes³
 301  2DL2*003  Scotland Orkney KIR 20.3  90See
 302  2DL2*003  Uruguay Mixed KIR 31.7  41See
 303  2DL2*00301  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.107131See
 304  2DL2*004  Italy Lombardy KIR  0.0  50See
 305  2DL2*004  Scotland Orkney KIR  0.0  90See
 306  2DL2*004  Uruguay Mixed KIR  0.0  41See
 307  2DL2*005  Italy Lombardy KIR  0.0  50See
 308  2DL2*005  Scotland Orkney KIR  0.0  90See
 309  2DL2*005  Uruguay Mixed KIR  0.0  41See
 310  2DL2*00602  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR   0.087131See
 311  2DL2*007  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR   0.003131See
 312  2DL2*011  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR   0.011131See
 313  2DL3  Argentina Chaco Region Wichi KIR 84.0  82See
 314  2DL3  Argentina Chiriguano KIR 87.0  54See
 315  2DL3  Argentina Salta Wichi KIR 84.2  19See
 316  2DL3  Australia South Aborigine KIR 68.0  67See
 317  2DL3  Borneo Kalimantan KIR 100.0  48See
 318  2DL3  Brazil Amazon KIR 80.0  40See
 319  2DL3  Brazil Bahia Ilhéus KIR 81.4 0.568102See
 320  2DL3  Brazil Curitiba Japanese KIR 98.0  51See
 321  2DL3  Brazil Curitiba KIR 84.6 0.610164See
 322  2DL3  Brazil Guarani Kaiowá KIR 98.0  96See
 323  2DL3  Brazil Guarani MByá KIR 84.0  81See
 324  2DL3  Brazil Guarani Ñandeva KIR 98.0  50See
 325  2DL3  Brazil Kaingang KIR 84.0  100See
 326  2DL3  Brazil Rondonia Karitiana KIR 85.5  55See
 327  2DL3  Brazil Rondonia Porto Velho KIR 89.4  377See
 328  2DL3  Brazil Rondonia Surui KIR 97.8  46See
 329  2DL3  Brazil Western Amazon Ticuna KIR 93.8  65See
 330  2DL3  Cambodia KIR 85.7  22See
 331  2DL3  Central African Republic Bagandu Biaka KIR 80.3  69See
 332  2DL3  China Eastern Mainland Han KIR 99.0  106See
 333  2DL3  China Hubei Province Tujia KIR 93.0  124See
 334  2DL3  China Mongolia Province KIR 93.3  90See
 335  2DL3  China Shaanxi Province Han KIR 98.1  104See
 336  2DL3  China Tibet Lhasa KIR 98.0  102See
 337  2DL3  China Xinjiang Region Urumqi Uygur KIR 95.8  120See
 338  2DL3  China Yunnan Han KIR 99.8  404See
 339  2DL3  China Yunnan Province Dali Bai KIR 100.0  100See
 340  2DL3  China Yunnan Province Drung KIR 100.0  152See
 341  2DL3  China Yunnan Province Fengyandong Han KIR 97.8  93See
 342  2DL3  China Yunnan Province Fugong Nu KIR 100.0  112See
 343  2DL3  China Yunnan Province Menghai Bulang KIR 97.0  109See
 344  2DL3  China Yunnan Province Sunan Yugu KIR 93.0  104See
 345  2DL3  China Yunnan Province Tiandeng Zhuang KIR 98.0  98See
 346  2DL3  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR 99.0  104See
 347  2DL3  Comoros Mixed KIR 93.0  54See
 348  2DL3  Congo Kinshasa Ituri Forest Mbuti KIR 61.8  38See
 349  2DL3  Cook Islands KIR 92.0  48See
 350  2DL3  Croatia KIR pop 3 95.0  121See
 351  2DL3  Czech Republic KIR 86.0  125See
 352  2DL3  Denmark Copenhagen KIR 96.0  50See
 353  2DL3  East Timor KIR 94.0  50See
 354  2DL3  England KIR pop 5 89.7  584See
 355  2DL3  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 80.2  95See
 356  2DL3  Finland KIR 97.0  35See
 357  2DL3  France Southeast KIR 88.0  130See
 358  2DL3  Guadeloupe Mixed KIR 84.0  90See
 359  2DL3  India Madurai Piramalai Kallar Dravidian KIR 75.0  100See
 360  2DL3  India Mumbai Maharashtrian KIR 85.8  139See
 361  2DL3  India Mumbai Parsi KIR 81.9  145See
 362  2DL3  India Tamil Nadu Kanikar KIR 77.0  35See
 363  2DL3  India Tamil Nadu Mollukurumba KIR 85.0  41See
 364  2DL3  India Tamil Nadu Paravar KIR 79.0  77See
 365  2DL3  India West Bengal Rabha KIR 92.0  50See
 366  2DL3  India West Bengal Rajbanshi KIR 85.3  75See
 367  2DL3  Indonesia Java KIR 100.0  45See
 368  2DL3  Iran East Azerbaijan Azerbaijani KIR 84.0  100See
 369  2DL3  Iran East Azerbaijan Azeri KIR 89.2  84See
 370  2DL3  Iran Fars Persian KIR 91.0  248See
 371  2DL3  Iran Hormozgan and Balochistan Jonobi KIR 85.0  100See
 372  2DL3  Iran Khuzestan Arab KIR 89.5  76See
 373  2DL3  Iran Khuzestan Bakhtiari KIR 88.5  96See
 374  2DL3  Iran KIR 86.5  200See
 375  2DL3  Iran Lur KIR 88.0  100See
 376  2DL3  Iran Northern KIR 85.0  100See
 377  2DL3  Ireland KIR 91.5  94See
 378  2DL3  Israel Ethiopian Jews KIR 77.4  31See
 379  2DL3  Israel North Druze KIR 78.4  116See
 380  2DL3  Italy KIR 88.0  217See
 381  2DL3  Italy Lombardy KIR 94.0  50See
 382  2DL3  Japan KIR pop 2 100.0  41See
 383  2DL3  Japan KIR pop 3 100.0  132See
 384  2DL3  Japan KIR pop 4 100.0  49See
 385  2DL3  Macedonia KIR 89.7  214See
 386  2DL3  Macedonia Romani KIR 87.4  103See
 387  2DL3  Malaysia Peninsular KIR 90.0  120See
 388  2DL3  Mexico Huichol KIR 100.0  73See
 389  2DL3  Mexico Mestizo Guerrero KIR 96.0  120See
 390  2DL3  Mexico Mestizo Highlands KIR 94.2  257See
 391  2DL3  Mexico Mestizo Jalisco KIR 93.0  100See
 392  2DL3  Mexico Mestizo Jalisco pop 2 KIR 95.0  124See
 393  2DL3  Mexico Mexico City Mestizo KIR 100.0  86See
 394  2DL3  Mexico Purepecha KIR 100.0  53See
 395  2DL3  Mexico Sierra Madre Pima KIR 87.6  99See
 396  2DL3  Mexico Tarahumara KIR 100.0  65See
 397  2DL3  Mexico West Mestizo KIR 88.7  124See
 398  2DL3  Mexico Yucatan Maya KIR 94.0  50See
 399  2DL3  Nigeria Benin Yoruba KIR 92.0  75See
 400  2DL3  Nigeria Enugu Ibo KIR 76.1  48See


* Allele Frequency: Total number of copies of the allele in the population sample (Alleles / 2n) in three decimal format.
* % of individuals that have the allele: Percentage of individuals who have the allele or gene in the population (Individuals / n).

¹ IPD-KIR Database - For more details of the allele.
² Distribution - Graphical display of the distribution of the allele.
³ Notes - See notes for ambiguous combinations of alleles.

Displaying 301 to 400 (from 3,259) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 33  


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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