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Displaying 601 to 700 (from 3,259) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 33  

Line Allele Population % of individuals
that have the allele/gene
(3 decimals)
Distribution² Notes³
 601  2DL4*005  Argentina Chiriguano KIR 23.5  54See
 602  2DL4*005  Argentina Salta Wichi KIR 55.6  19See
 603  2DL4*005  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.154104See
 604  2DL4*005  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.022131See
 605  2DL4*005  Japan KIR pop 3  0.171132See
 606  2DL4*005  South Africa San KIR 49.2  91See
 607  2DL4*00501  Brazil Curitiba KIR 35.4 0.210164See
 608  2DL4*00501  Congo Teke KIR  0.04549See
 609  2DL4*006  Argentina Chaco Region Wichi KIR  0.0  82See
 610  2DL4*006  Argentina Chiriguano KIR  0.0  54See
 611  2DL4*006  Argentina Salta Wichi KIR  0.0  19See
 612  2DL4*006  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR   0.071104See
 613  2DL4*006  Congo Teke KIR   0.05049See
 614  2DL4*006  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR   0.068131See
 615  2DL4*006  South Africa San KIR 11.1  91See
 616  2DL4*00602  Japan KIR pop 3  0.128132See
 617  2DL4*007  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.000 104See
 618  2DL4*00801  Brazil Curitiba KIR 23.2 0.130164See
 619  2DL4*00801  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.161131See
 620  2DL4*00801  Japan KIR pop 3  0.060132See
 621  2DL4*0080101  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.051104See
 622  2DL4*0080101  Congo Teke KIR  0.10249See
 623  2DL4*0080102  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.000 104See
 624  2DL4*0080102  Congo Teke KIR  0.000 49See
 625  2DL4*0080103  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.000 104See
 626  2DL4*00802  Brazil Curitiba KIR 28.3 0.150164See
 627  2DL4*00802  Congo Teke KIR  0.11449See
 628  2DL4*00802  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.101131See
 629  2DL4*0080201  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.000 104See
 630  2DL4*0080202  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.000 104See
 631  2DL4*009  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.000 104See
 632  2DL4*010  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.000 104See
 633  2DL4*010  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.005131See
 634  2DL4*011  Brazil Curitiba KIR 15.2 0.110164See
 635  2DL4*011  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR  0.141104See
 636  2DL4*011  Congo Teke KIR  0.04549See
 637  2DL4*011  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.005131See
 638  2DL4*011  Japan KIR pop 3  0.128132See
 639  2DL4*012  Congo Teke KIR  0.06149See
 640  2DL4*01201  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.027131See
 641  2DL4*013  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.011131See
 642  2DL4*017  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.014131See
 643  2DL4*022  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.044131See
 644  2DL4*023  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.025131See
 645  2DL5  Argentina Chaco Region Wichi KIR 58.0  82See
 646  2DL5  Argentina Chiriguano KIR 59.3  54See
 647  2DL5  Argentina Salta Wichi KIR 31.6  19See
 648  2DL5  Borneo Kalimantan KIR 31.0  48See
 649  2DL5  Brazil Amazon KIR 85.0  40See
 650  2DL5  Brazil Bahia Ilhéus KIR 62.7 0.390102See
 651  2DL5  Brazil Curitiba KIR 51.9 0.310164See
 652  2DL5  Brazil Guarani Kaiowá KIR 71.0  96See
 653  2DL5  Brazil Guarani MByá KIR 74.0  81See
 654  2DL5  Brazil Guarani Ñandeva KIR 58.0  50See
 655  2DL5  Brazil Kaingang KIR 68.0  100See
 656  2DL5  Brazil Rondonia Porto Velho KIR 58.9  377See
 657  2DL5  China Eastern Mainland Han KIR 45.0  106See
 658  2DL5  China Hubei Province Tujia KIR 35.0  124See
 659  2DL5  China Mongolia Province KIR 46.7  90See
 660  2DL5  China Shaanxi Province Han KIR 41.3  104See
 661  2DL5  China Xinjiang Region Urumqi Uygur KIR 51.7  120See
 662  2DL5  China Yunnan Han KIR 36.9  404See
 663  2DL5  China Yunnan Province Dali Bai KIR 39.0  100See
 664  2DL5  China Yunnan Province Drung KIR 29.6  152See
 665  2DL5  China Yunnan Province Fengyandong Han KIR 38.7  93See
 666  2DL5  China Yunnan Province Fugong Nu KIR 26.0  112See
 667  2DL5  China Yunnan Province Menghai Bulang KIR 70.0  109See
 668  2DL5  China Yunnan Province Sunan Yugu KIR 42.0  104See
 669  2DL5  China Yunnan Province Tiandeng Zhuang KIR 48.0  98See
 670  2DL5  Comoros Mixed KIR 44.0  54See
 671  2DL5  Cook Islands KIR 44.0  48See
 672  2DL5  Croatia KIR pop 3 49.0  121See
 673  2DL5  Czech Republic KIR 52.0  125See
 674  2DL5  East Timor KIR 76.0  50See
 675  2DL5  England KIR pop 5 55.5  584See
 676  2DL5  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 52.1  95See
 677  2DL5  Guadeloupe Mixed KIR 61.0  90See
 678  2DL5  India Madurai Piramalai Kallar Dravidian KIR 72.0  100See
 679  2DL5  India Mumbai Maharashtrian KIR 71.7  139See
 680  2DL5  India Mumbai Parsi KIR 71.0  145See
 681  2DL5  India Tamil Nadu Kanikar KIR 86.0  35See
 682  2DL5  India Tamil Nadu Mollukurumba KIR 56.0  41See
 683  2DL5  India Tamil Nadu Paravar KIR 83.0  77See
 684  2DL5  India West Bengal Rabha KIR 44.0  50See
 685  2DL5  India West Bengal Rajbanshi KIR 54.7  75See
 686  2DL5  Indonesia Java KIR 56.0  45See
 687  2DL5  Iran East Azerbaijan Azerbaijani KIR 64.0  100See
 688  2DL5  Iran East Azerbaijan Azeri KIR 75.0  84See
 689  2DL5  Iran Fars Persian KIR 58.5  248See
 690  2DL5  Iran Hormozgan and Balochistan Jonobi KIR 62.0  100See
 691  2DL5  Iran Khuzestan Arab KIR 67.1  76See
 692  2DL5  Iran Khuzestan Bakhtiari KIR 54.2  96See
 693  2DL5  Iran KIR 61.5  200See
 694  2DL5  Iran Lur KIR 61.0  100See
 695  2DL5  Iran Northern KIR 60.0  100See
 696  2DL5  Italy Lombardy KIR 62.0  50See
 697  2DL5  Japan KIR pop 2 39.0  41See
 698  2DL5  Japan KIR pop 3 35.6  132See
 699  2DL5  Macedonia KIR 41.6  214See
 700  2DL5  Macedonia Romani KIR 31.1  103See


* Allele Frequency: Total number of copies of the allele in the population sample (Alleles / 2n) in three decimal format.
* % of individuals that have the allele: Percentage of individuals who have the allele or gene in the population (Individuals / n).

¹ IPD-KIR Database - For more details of the allele.
² Distribution - Graphical display of the distribution of the allele.
³ Notes - See notes for ambiguous combinations of alleles.

Displaying 601 to 700 (from 3,259) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 33  


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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