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Displaying 701 to 800 (from 3,259) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 33  

Line Allele Population % of individuals
that have the allele/gene
(3 decimals)
Distribution² Notes³
 701  2DL5  Malaysia Peninsular KIR 47.5  120See
 702  2DL5  Mexico Huichol KIR 56.0  73See
 703  2DL5  Mexico Mestizo Guerrero KIR 53.0  120See
 704  2DL5  Mexico Mestizo Highlands KIR 53.3  257See
 705  2DL5  Mexico Mestizo Jalisco KIR 61.0  100See
 706  2DL5  Mexico Mestizo Jalisco pop 2 KIR 55.0  124See
 707  2DL5  Mexico Mexico City Mestizo KIR 49.0  86See
 708  2DL5  Mexico Purepecha KIR 62.0  53See
 709  2DL5  Mexico Tarahumara KIR 66.0  65See
 710  2DL5  Mexico West Mestizo KIR 54.0  124See
 711  2DL5  Papua New Guinea Irian Jaya KIR 86.0  50See
 712  2DL5  Reunion Mixed KIR 58.0  101See
 713  2DL5  Samoa KIR 48.0  50See
 714  2DL5  Scotland Orkney KIR 41.1  90See
 715  2DL5  Senegal KIR 52.0  118See
 716  2DL5  Singapore Chinese KIR pop 2 38.6  210See
 717  2DL5  Singapore Indians KIR 78.8  80See
 718  2DL5  Singapore Malays KIR 56.3  80See
 719  2DL5  South Africa Black African KIR 61.1  167See
 720  2DL5  South Africa Caucasian KIR 50.5  97See
 721  2DL5  South Africa Indian KIR 84.0  50See
 722  2DL5  South Africa Mixed Ancestry KIR 68.0  50See
 723  2DL5  South Africa San KIR 68.1  91See
 724  2DL5  Taiwan Han KIR pop 4 36.0  97See
 725  2DL5  Tokelau KIR 57.0  47See
 726  2DL5  Tonga KIR 53.0  49See
 727  2DL5  Trinidad Africans KIR 52.0  62See
 728  2DL5  Trinidad South Asians KIR 74.0  108See
 729  2DL5  Turkey South KIR 58.0  200See
 730  2DL5  Uganda Kampala KIR 65.0  492See
 731  2DL5  Uruguay Mixed KIR 65.9  41See
 732  2DL5  Uzbekistan KIR 28.4  67See
 733  2DL5  Venezuela Bari KIR 63.8  80See
 734  2DL5  Venezuela Mestizo KIR 59.5  205See
 735  2DL5  Venezuela Warao KIR 67.4  89See
 736  2DL5  Venezuela Yucpa KIR 73.8  61See
 737  2DL5  Vietnam Hanoi KIR pop 2 45.0  140See
 738  2DL5A  China Tibet Lhasa KIR 36.0  102See
 739  2DL5A  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR 30.8  104See
 740  2DL5A  Comoros Mixed KIR 13.0  54See
 741  2DL5A  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 13.5  95See
 742  2DL5A  France Southeast KIR 37.6  130See
 743  2DL5A  Iran KIR 40.0  200See
 744  2DL5A  Italy KIR 33.0  217See
 745  2DL5A  Scotland Orkney KIR 26.7  90See
 746  2DL5A  Uruguay Mixed KIR 47.4  41See
 747  2DL5A*001  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 6.3  95See
 748  2DL5A*001  Japan KIR pop 3  0.112132See
 749  2DL5A*00101  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.014131See
 750  2DL5A*005  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 6.3  95See
 751  2DL5A*005  Japan KIR pop 3  0.047132See
 752  2DL5B  Brazil Curitiba Japanese KIR 31.4  51See
 753  2DL5B  China Tibet Lhasa KIR 14.0  102See
 754  2DL5B  China Zhejiang Province Han KIR 5.8  104See
 755  2DL5B  Comoros Mixed KIR 35.0  54See
 756  2DL5B  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 45.8  95See
 757  2DL5B  France Southeast KIR 32.0  130See
 758  2DL5B  Iran KIR 35.0  200See
 759  2DL5B  Italy KIR 28.0  217See
 760  2DL5B  Scotland Orkney KIR 21.1  90See
 761  2DL5B  Uruguay Mixed KIR 26.3  41See
 762  2DL5B*002  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 19.8  95See
 763  2DL5B*002  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.079131See
 764  2DL5B*002  Japan KIR pop 3  0.026132See
 765  2DL5B*003  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 6.3  95See
 766  2DL5B*003  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.008131See
 767  2DL5B*004  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 4.2  95See
 768  2DL5B*004  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.003131See
 769  2DL5B*006  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 21.9  95See
 770  2DL5B*006  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.090131See
 771  2DL5B*007  Equatorial Guinea Bioko Island Bubi KIR 1.0  95See
 772  2DL5B*007  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.003131See
 773  2DL5B*008  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.014131See
 774  2DL5B*011  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.016131See
 775  2DL5B*017  Ghana Ga-Adangbe KIR  0.057131See
 776  2DP1  Argentina Chaco Region Wichi KIR 84.0  82See
 777  2DP1  Argentina Chiriguano KIR 90.7  54See
 778  2DP1  Argentina Salta Wichi KIR 84.2  19See
 779  2DP1  Borneo Kalimantan KIR 100.0  48See
 780  2DP1  Brazil Bahia Ilhéus KIR 98.0 0.860102See
 781  2DP1  Brazil Curitiba Japanese KIR 98.0  51See
 782  2DP1  Brazil Curitiba KIR 94.7 0.770164See
 783  2DP1  Brazil Guarani Kaiowá KIR 98.0  96See
 784  2DP1  Brazil Guarani MByá KIR 84.0  81See
 785  2DP1  Brazil Guarani Ñandeva KIR 98.0  50See
 786  2DP1  Brazil Kaingang KIR 87.0  100See
 787  2DP1  Brazil Rondonia Porto Velho KIR 95.5  377See
 788  2DP1  China Eastern Mainland Han KIR 99.0  106See
 789  2DP1  China Hubei Province Tujia KIR 98.0  124See
 790  2DP1  China Mongolia Province KIR 96.7  90See
 791  2DP1  China Shaanxi Province Han KIR 100.0  104See
 792  2DP1  China Tibet Lhasa KIR 98.0  102See
 793  2DP1  China Xinjiang Region Urumqi Uygur KIR 97.5  120See
 794  2DP1  China Yunnan Han KIR 99.5  404See
 795  2DP1  China Yunnan Province Dali Bai KIR 100.0  100See
 796  2DP1  China Yunnan Province Drung KIR 100.0  152See
 797  2DP1  China Yunnan Province Fengyandong Han KIR 98.9  93See
 798  2DP1  China Yunnan Province Fugong Nu KIR 100.0  112See
 799  2DP1  China Yunnan Province Menghai Bulang KIR 98.0  109See
 800  2DP1  China Yunnan Province Sunan Yugu KIR 95.0  104See


* Allele Frequency: Total number of copies of the allele in the population sample (Alleles / 2n) in three decimal format.
* % of individuals that have the allele: Percentage of individuals who have the allele or gene in the population (Individuals / n).

¹ IPD-KIR Database - For more details of the allele.
² Distribution - Graphical display of the distribution of the allele.
³ Notes - See notes for ambiguous combinations of alleles.

Displaying 701 to 800 (from 3,259) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 33  


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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