Allele Frequencies in World Populations

HLA Database » Allele Report

The list below shows all populations in AFND that contains the allele at this level. If an allele has an entry with a higher resolution this will be shown at the end.



Allele reported 280 time(s) and present in 185 population(s).

Population Phenotype
Frequency (%)
Distribution² Haplotype³
SDNSudan South Nuba10.90.056046See
MEXMexico Morelos Rural0.050030See
GAZGaza Palestinians0.0480165See
VENVenezuela Caracas Mestizo0.030050See
MEXMexico Mexico City Mestizo pop 30.0270256See
ARGArgentina Rosario Toba4.70.023086See
BOLBolivia Quechua0.021769See
ARMArmenia living in Karabakh0.0190445See
GBRUnited Kingdom South West0.0184163See
ARMArmenia living in Iran0.018085See
GBRUnited Kingdom Orkney0.017188See
MEXMexico Nayarit, Tepic0.015597See
ARMArmenia living in USA0.0150233See
ARMArmenia living in Lebanon0.0140368See
CZECzech Republic Kurd2.70.013574See
ARMArmenia Syunik0.0130117See
MEXMexico Guanajuato, Leon0.012878See
ALBAlbanian Kosovo0.0125120See
GBRUnited Kingdom East0.0123163See
GBRUnited Kingdom North0.0121330See
MEXMexico Mestizo2.40.012041See
CUBCuba Mixed Race2.40.012042See
ISRIsrael Jews pop 22.40.012023000See
MEXMexico Zacatecas, Zacatecas city0.011984See
MEXMexico Baja Californa, Mexicali0.0100100See
MARMorocco Casablanca0.0100100See
VENVenezuela Valencia and Maracaibo Caracus Mixed0.010096See
ARMArmenia Lori0.0100102See
MEXMexico Zacatecas, Fresnillo0.0095103See
MEXMexico Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez0.0093106See
MEXMexico Guanajuato Rural0.0092162See
MARMorocco pop 20.0090110See
ARMArmenia Yerevan0.0090445See
MEXMexico Veracruz, Cordoba0.008956See
ITAItaly pop 61.60.0082184See
ITAItaly South Campania Region1.60.00801089See
CHNChina Yunnan Province Han pop 20.0080129See
GBRUnited Kingdom Central0.0075135See
ESPSpain Sevilla1.40.0072278See
CHLChile Santiago0.0071920See
IRNIran pop 40.0070855See
CHNChina Shanghai0.007026266See
TURTurkey pop 50.0070142See
GRCGreece pop 70.006711250See
GRCGreece pop31.20.0060246See
ARMArmenia Ghegharkunik0.0060242See
ARGArgentina Corrientes1.30.0060155See
BOLBolivia La Paz Aymaras0.006087See
PRTPortugal Porto0.00607937See
ALBAlbania pop 21.20.0058432See
ITAItaly North Pavia pop 30.0058685See
MEXMexico Sinaloa Rural0.0055183See
IRQIraq Erbil1.10.0054372See
MEXMexico Aguascalientes state0.005395See
SDNSudan Khartoum0.005198See
PRTPortugal Portalegre0.00501254See
PRTPortugal Evora0.0050737See
MEXMexico Coahuila, Torreon0.0050396See
MEXMexico Puebla Mestizo0.005099See
ARGArgentina Cuyo Region0.90.0050420See
BRABrazil Pernambuco Mixed0.0050101See
BRABrazil Parana Mixed race1.10.0050186See
MEXMexico Jalisco, Guadalajara city0.00461189See
MEXMexico Durango Rural0.0046326See
ECUEcuador Coast Mixed Ancestry0.0042238See
FRAFrance Southeast0.80.0040130See
CUBCuba Mixed pop 20.0040189See
MEXMexico Mexico City Mestizo0.0040121See
IRNIran Royan Cord Blood Bank0.90.004015600See
ITAItaly Lombardy0.70.0040674See
CHNChina Wuhan0.80.0040121See
CHNChina Jiangsu Province0.004020248See
PRTPortugal Beja0.0040699See
PRTPortugal Coimbra0.00405057See
PRTPortugal Leiria0.00401847See
PRTPortugal Santarem0.00403865See
PRTPortugal Setubal0.00405268See
ESPSpain, Castilla y Leon, Northwest,0.70.00401743See
MKDMacedonia MBMDR - Albanian0.80.0039128See
MEXMexico Yucatan Rural0.0037132See
BRABrazil REDOME Sergipe0.00367321See
MEXMexico Sonora, Ciudad Obregón0.0035143See
IRQIraq Arabs0.70.0034149See
MEXMexico Michoacan, Morelia0.0033150See
BRABrazil REDOME Pernambuco0.003192332See
BRABrazil Rio Grande do Sul Mixed0.0030324See
BRABrazil Parana Cafuzo0.60.0030319See
ARGArgentina Buenos Aires pop 20.50.00301216See
BRABrazil Minas Gerais State Mixed0.60.00301000See
GRCGreece North0.0030500See
ITAItaly North Pavia pop 20.60.00302416See
PERPeru Arequipa Mestizo0.70.0030168See
SAUSaudi Arabia pop 40.60.0030499See
AREUnited Arab Emirates pop 20.50.0030373See
USAUSA OPTN Hispanic0.00301580See
PRTPortugal Lisbon0.003017420See
PRTPortugal Faro0.00301242See
PRTPortugal South pop 20.00301021See
PRTPortugal Vila Real0.00301167See
PRTPortugal Viseu0.00302915See
RUSRussia Moscow0.00302650See
RUSRussia Tatars0.0028355See
ROMRomania pop 30.60.00271469See
MEXMexico Yucatan, Merida0.0026192See
BRABrazil Parana Japanese1.00.0026192See
BRABrazil South East Cord Blood0.002611409See
ECUEcuador Mixed Ancestry0.00261173See
BRABrazil REDOME Alagoas0.002525349See
MEXMexico Sonora Rural0.0025197See
BRABrazil Para Cord Blood Unit0.00.0024841See
PRTPortugal North pop 20.00221801See
MEXMexico Chihuahua Rural0.0021236See
RUSRussia Samara Region0.00202500See
PRTPortugal Aveiro0.00205933See
PRTPortugal Guarda0.0020797See
PRTPortugal Braga0.00201971See
PRTPortugal Bragança0.0020301See
PRTPortugal Castelo Branco0.0020327See
BRABrazil Para State0.20.00205000See
BRABrazil Parana Caucasian0.50.00202775See
BRABrazil Rio Grande do Norte Mestizo0.002012973See
BRABrazil Rio Grande do Sul Black0.0020248See
BRABrazil REDOME Sao Paulo0.0020800809See
BRABrazil REDOME Rio de Janeiro0.0020139322See
BRABrazil Piaui Mixed0.002021943See
BRABrazil REDOME Mato Grosso do Sul0.002095667See
KURIraq Kurdistan Region0.50.0020209See
MEXMexico Mestizo pop 40.0019269See
BRABrazil REDOME Minas Gerais0.0019211275See
BRABrazil REDOME Goias0.001888574See
BRABrazil REDOME Ceara0.0018101217See
RUSRussia Moscow Pop 20.40.00182000See
SRBSerbia pop 30.40.00181992See
SVKSlovakia pop 20.00184234See
BRABrazil REDOME Maranhao0.001710180See
BRABrazil REDOME Rio Grande do Sul0.0017241329See
BRABrazil REDOME Rondonia0.001754396See
BRABrazil REDOME Piaui0.001746140See
BRABrazil REDOME Paraiba0.001743868See
BRABrazil REDOME Santa Catarina0.0016106673See
BRABrazil REDOME Bahia0.001647399See
BRABrazil REDOME Para0.001672637See
BRABrazil REDOME Federal District0.001629549See
FRAFrance Bordeaux0.30.0016990See
FRAFrance Rennes pop 40.30.00161000See
BRABrazil Paraná Caucasian0.30.0016641See
MKDMacedonia MBMDR - Macedonian0.30.00161283See
BRABrazil REDOME Parana0.0015341639See
BRABrazil REDOME Mato Grosso0.001534649See
BRABrazil REDOME Espirito Santo0.001488485See
BRABrazil REDOME Amazonas0.001424129See
BRABrazil REDOME Amapa0.001417864See
BRABrazil REDOME Rio Grande do Norte0.001446603See
INDIndia North Gujarat0.30.0015338See
BRABrazil REDOME Roraima0.00134140See
MEXMexico Tlaxcala Rural0.0012830See
FRAFrance Grenoble0.20.00111000See
FRAFrance Marseille0.20.00111000See
CHNChina Shandong Province0.20.00107418See
CHNChina Shaanxi Province Han0.001010000See
BRABrazil Rio Grande do Sul Caucasoid0.00104428See
BRABrazil Sao Paulo Bauru Mixed0.00103542See
ARGArgentina Buenos Aires0.20.0010466See
SRBSerbia Vojvodina0.20.0010400See
WALWales pop 20.00.001039979See
PRTMadeira pop 30.0010538See
PRTPortugal Viana do Castelo0.0010706See
MEXMexico Jalisco Rural0.0009585See
BRABrazil REDOME Tocantins0.000920692See
FRAFrance Lyon0.20.00094813See
MEXMexico Puebla, Puebla city0.00081994See
POLPoland pop 30.20.00072907See
ECUEcuador Andes Mixed Ancestry0.0006824See
ENGEngland Sheffield0.10.00054755See
SWESweden pop 40.10.0005966See
NORNorway ethnic Norwegians0.10.00044510See
IRLIreland South pop 20.000117624See
ITAItaly Rome0.00.0000100See
ITAItaly North pop 30.00.000097See
FRAFrance Rennes pop 30.0000200See
ECUEcuador Amazonia Mixed Ancestry0.000039See
HRVCroatia pop 20.0000100See
CHNChina Harbin Korean0.0000201See
MEXMexico Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala city0.0000181See
MEXMexico Mexico City South0.000052See
MEXMexico Mexico City North0.0000751See
MEXMexico Mexico City East0.000079See
MEXMexico Mexico City Center0.0000152See
MEXMexico Hidalgo, Pachuca0.000041See
MEXMexico Veracruz, Xalapa0.0000187See
MEXMexico Veracruz, Veracruz city0.0000171See
MEXMexico Veracruz, Poza Rica0.000045See
MEXMexico Sinaloa Mestizo0.000056See
MEXMexico Campeche, Campeche city0.000034See
MEXMexico Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez0.000052See
MEXMexico Tabasco, Villahermosa0.000082See
MEXMexico Morelos, Cuernavaca0.000082See
MEXMexico Oaxaca, Oaxaca city0.0000151See
MEXMexico Guerrero state0.0000144See
MKDMacedonia pop 40.0000216See
MYSMalaysia pop 20.000062See
JPNJapan Hyogo Osaka and Nagano0.0000195See
KORSouth Korea pop 80.00007096See
BRABrazil Sao Paulo Mixed0.00.0000239See
BRABrazil Parana Afro Brazilian0.00.000077See
BRABrazil Parana Oriental0.00.000033See
CHNChina Yunnan Province Naxi0.0000118See
CHNChina North Han0.0000105See
ARGArgentina La Plata0.00.0000100See
ARGArgentina Chiriguano0.00.000054See
ARGArgentina Salta Wichi pop 20.00.000019See
AUSAustralia West Caucasian0.00.0000891See
BIHBosnia and Herzegovina0.0000134See
PAKPakistan Karachi Parsi0.000091See
PAKPakistan Burusho0.000092See
PAKPakistan Mixed Sindhi0.0000101See
MEXMexico Quintana Roo Rural0.000050See
MEXMexico Baja California, Tijuana0.000025See
MNGMongolia Hoton0.000085See
MEXMexico Tabasco Rural0.0000142See
MEXMexico Chiapas Rural0.0000121See
MEXMexico Campeche Rural0.000047See
MEXMexico Michoacan Rural0.0000348See
MEXMexico Puebla Rural0.0000833See
MEXMexico Oaxaca Rural0.0000485See
MEXMexico Coahuila Rural0.0000216See
MEXMexico Zacatecas Rural0.0000266See
MEXMexico Nayarit Rural0.000064See
MEXMexico Colima Rural0.000043See
MEXMexico Nuevo Leon Rural0.0000439See
MEXMexico Queretaro Rural0.000043See
MEXMexico Tamaulipas Rural0.0000125See
MEXMexico San Luis Potosi Rural0.000087See
MEXMexico Veracruz Rural0.0000539See
MEXMexico Hidalgo Rural0.000081See
MEXMexico Mexico City Metropolitan Area Rural0.0000150See
MEXMexico Baja California Rural0.000050See
MEXMexico Baja California, La Paz0.000075See
MEXMexico Coahuila, Saltillo0.000072See
MEXMexico Durango, Durango city0.0000153See
MEXMexico Chihuahua Chihuahua City0.0000119See
MEXMexico Sinaloa, Culiacán0.0000103See
MEXMexico Sonora, Hermosillo0.000099See
MEXMexico Jalisco, Zapopan0.0000168See
MEXMexico Jalisco, Tonala0.000035See
MEXMexico Jalisco, Tlaquepaque0.000039See
MEXMexico Jalisco, Tlajomulco0.000030See
MEXMexico Guanajuato, Guanajuato city0.000022See
MEXMexico Nuevo Leon, Monterrey city0.0000226See
MEXMexico Colima, Colima city0.000061See
MEXMexico Quintana Roo, Cancun0.000048See
MEXMexico Mexico City West0.000033See
MEXMexico Veracruz, Orizaba0.000060See
MEXMexico Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos0.000055See
MEXMexico San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi city0.000030See
MEXMexico Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria0.000023See
MEXMexico Queretaro, Queretaro city0.000045See
THAThailand pop 40.000016807See
SVNSlovenia pop 30.00.0000130See
ZAFSouth Africa Natal Zulu0.00.0000100See
VENVenezuela Colonia Tovar0.000086See
RUSRussia South Ural Russian0.00.0000207See
RUSRussia South Ural Bashkir0.00.0000146See
RUSRussia South Ural Tatar0.00.0000135See
SAUSaudi Arabia pop 20.0000383See
RUSRussia Northwest pop 30.00.0000100See
RUSRussia Nenet Mixed0.000055See
RUSRussia Arkhangelsk Pomor0.000063See
RUSRussia Murmansk Saomi Mixed0.000070See

See also higher resolution data of this allele

Allele  Number of Populations 
 A*69:01 215 

* This list corresponds to those alleles that have been reported in AFND only (i.e. only positive findings).


* Allele Frequency: Total number of copies of the allele in the population sample (Alleles / 2n) in decimal format.
   Important: This field has been expanded to four decimals to better represent frequencies of large datasets (e.g. where sample size > 1000 individuals)
* Phenotype Frequency: Percentage of individuals who have the allele or gene (Individuals / n).
* Allele Frequencies shown in green were calculated from Phenotype Frequencies assuming Hardy-Weinberg proportions.

¹ IMGT/HLA Database - For more details of the allele.
² Distribution - Graphical distribution of the allele.
³ Haplotype Association - Find HLA haplotypes with this allele.
ª Notes - See notes for ambiguous combinations of alleles.


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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